Thursday 30 July 2009

We have lost number seven. So far we have lost Zach and Josh (numbers 7 and 8). We found Boadever 4 days after I talked to you last, which is why I haven't been posting. I'm about to tell you what happened four days after my last post

It happened by accident , we were looking for Jacob in the lower levels when we opened a door into a room that was empty except for a table with a bunch of papers on it. We went over and looked through the papers, they were almost all blank, except for eight of them. The eight papers that weren't blank each had a symbol on them. We figured it was some code so we turned around to continue are search for Jacob, but when we turned around the door was closed, and there were one man in front of it. Are initial thoughts were that he was out numbered two to one. Then we realized that no ordinary warrior would confront us single handed. We each got ready to fight when, literally, fire burst through the walls. Then I saw a Dragon, it was the second time I had ever seen a dragon, and trust me they are a mix of beautiful and terrible at the same time. That is when Olivia and Zach(numbers 5 and 7) jumped through the new hole in the wall, off the dragons back. The dragon flew away except now it was four against one(don't ask me how the dragon knew where to be). That is when the other man attacked, he was lightning fast to, Olivia was the first to meet him in combat, She was slammed into the wall number four then attacked him and almost the exact same thing happened. That is when I attacked him. I don't want to brag but all of the elite eight said I was tied for most powerful, so I expected things to go better than with the other to, boy was I wrong. I landed one punched and tripped him before he sent me flying into the wall. That left only Zach. He attacked him in a different way than us two did. he attacked him initially with a kick instead of a punch, BIG MISTAKE. He grabbed his leg and twisted it to him. I'm not going to say what happened next but the end result was dead Zach. After that he took us three and threw us in the dungeon. So that's where we are right now. I'm posting from my blackberry, in case you are wondering. The only good news is we are across from us. I'll post later, bye.

Thursday 23 July 2009

We got there today, we are in the fortress of Boadever. First we need to find Jacob, so we are splitting up into groups of two, me and Tj (fourth most powerful of the elite eight), are going into the lower levels, Alaina and Elizabeth (3 and 6) are going into the higher levels. I'm posting on my laptop right now just in case you are wondering. So far all we have found is a couple of guards(which we took out), Their plans (which pretty much say kill us), and a paper that says how many men they have. The only thing that has any affect on us is the paper that says how many men they have. I can't talk for much longer because I think were coming up on some guards. So I'll post probably tomorrow.

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Devastating news

We discovered something devastating yesterday, Manoden has died, he was killed by Boadever.
The reason this is so devastating news, is because we learned something else 2 days ago. Boadever has every small bit of the power of Krenadon that we don't have. We all together had about 1/3 Manoden had about 1/2 and Boadever has the rest. Boadever now has 2/3 of it. We have some more bad news we got another letter from Jacob (who was previously known as the most powerful of the elite eight) and this one was actually written by him. When he went to the island he was captured by Boadever, who has been operating there for some time(which explains why we couldn't find him). He has been forcing Jacob to write phony letters to me, the reason that I now know this is that he somehow smuggled out a real letter attached to the phony one. Some more bad news is that Boadever Sent out another massive wave of men that was 10 times as big as any other wave and wiped out everyone except the six of the elite eight that are here. The only good news is that we received supplies from some of are sympathizers. But we now have a plan, 2 of us are going to try to get the Dragons on are side. The rest of us are going to save Jacob. we're going for revenge, we're going for blood.

Friday 17 July 2009


We only have fifty kung-fu warriors. We have barely been holding out while new kungfu fighters come in slowly. We haven't had a moments rest since I last posted. And I probably won't be able to go into details. And more bad news is that kungfu warriors have stopped coming. Me and the other five(one of them came back from Australia) members of the elite eight are fighting like heck to not die, but it's a hopeless cause. The only reason we haven't just given up is because we're hoping that the first most powerful of the elite eight finds the descendant of Krenadon. I have to go for now, see ya.

Monday 13 July 2009

Bad news

I'll say the good news first, I sent the most powerful of the elite eight (even more powerful than me) and he says he thinks that he has a good lead and hes close to finding the descendant of Krenadon. Some more good news is that I sent the third most powerful of the elite eight and he has found 13 more of us in Australia (Thanks Sheilby). We were hit by 500 of the two dark lords minions today. One of us dies and everyone has major injuries. The only good news is that we have gotten about 15 new recruits. 2 of them with some power of Krenadon. We decided that everybody will pool there power of Krenadon and share between everybody. Right now everybody has about a 45th of the power of Krenadon. If they send another wave I'm not sure we can hold out the night, unless we get some new recruits today. So we have 22 fighting men and all of them are injured and only 17 have been trained at all and only five are fully trained kungfu masters. I would love to stay and talk more but we are setting up defenses and I need to go help. So bye for now.

Friday 10 July 2009

I just learned the worst news ever, My two biggest enemies Boadever and Manoden have teamed up temporarily so that they can destroy me! I've been watching there army progress slowly towards my house, (yeah, there not the best trackers). I think the only way that I can survive is if I can find some others of my kind. I already know about seven, three of which have some of the power of Krenadon , But I can't release there names. All of them are ages 8-14 All eight of us might be able to hold them back. I'm still looking for the descendant of Krenadon, If I could find him I would have a much better chance of winning this Ultimate battle, I have a feeling that this battle could decide Whether Manoden gets all the power of Krenadon.

Monday 6 July 2009

Sorry I haven't been posting but I've been being ambushed a lot. I think Manoden is trying to find The descendants of Krenadon. So I am also trying to find him. My best guess is that he is on the island of mahistothry. I have to go for now.

Tuesday 30 June 2009


Not much to say but the origin of why I'm fighting today. Krenadon used to be the most powerful warrior of kung-fu ever but when he died his energy lived on in a glowing orb for people to take, but of course no one wanted to share and everyone wanted it for himself/herself. So my Great Grandfather, and Manodens Great Great Grandfather, teamed hid it all across the globe, Well for one generation everything was fine, but Manodens Great Grandfather decided he should protect by himself and it went from there to Manoden thinking he should have all the power so I took all the energy and basically just threw them to the wind, right after I did that though Manoden started looking for it, then I started looking for it. Now were always searching for it.
And that is pretty much it.

Monday 29 June 2009

I got more time to chat today.

I got more time to chat because I tookout about 50 of them, so they're regrouping. There is not really much to say other than maybe tell you why I have so many enemies. Manoden and I used to be friends but he desired all the power of krenadon, so now we are enemies. My other main enemy boadever has always been my enemy. Talk to you more tommorow.

Sunday 28 June 2009

Just the ordinary life of a kung-fu master.

Their after me, I can't chat cause it's 20-1 in ther favor, hold on a second..................................sorry they caught up to me. It's hard being hunted, I always have to be on the alert. The dark lord manoden is always sending his evil minions, and on top of that I'm 11 and I have to go to school. So i have to balance school, family, and fighting evil freaks, I have to go for now, talk to you later.